Founded in 2022, A2MIA, INC. is a non-profit organization born from a spontaneous 777-mile bicycle journey across two states in 2016. Our mission is to create awareness and fund programs that aid mental health and oppression in the root of our communities through an event called “The Journey 2 Purpose”.

“It truly was an outer body experience I’d never forget. Lots of emotions.”


The Journey 2 Purpose

“The Journey 2 Purpose” is a 777-mile, 17-day cycling trip from Atlanta, Georgia to Miami, Florida, emulating the original journey in 2016. 10 elected cyclist participants will push through everyday challenges to strive for higher self-esteem and the exoneration of negative factors, in order to pursue and achieve any goal they set out to conquer all while giving back to the community by fundraising. These funds will be evenly distributed to 2 different charities in 2 different states and hand-delivered during the course of this cycling journey. As the wheels of our bikes turn, positive energy is recycled into the universe.

A once-in-a-lifetime experience that proves you were born with the discipline, heart and endurance needed to be a competitor in this game. The experience will ultimately improve compassion, teamwork, patience, communication skills, overcoming fear and learning to push beyond the limits you’ve set for yourself. Become limitless while giving back to those that need it most.

A2MIA believes in creating the leaders of the future.

Our Purpose


We believe that life is a sport and we are all athletes in this marathon. Where there’s impact, there is purpose, which we all innately possess. Purpose makes peoples’ lives worth living. Everyone needs support to see their truth with no veil. We all were born LIMITLESS, but somehow along the journey of life we’ve become distracted. Some people have even become hopeless.

We at A2MIA want to revive HOPE. We want to help HEAL. We want to PLANT SEEDS that will reap grand HARVEST. We are the community. We do all this through The Journey To Purpose. One single person’s impact can lead to the shift of an entire community. If everyone helped someone else, there would be one less person who needed help. A2MIA will connect the dots. Through The Journey To Purpose, we’re helping elevate our participants and their individual purpose, while helping elevate the communities around us that otherwise are challenged with a lack of support.

We understand that there are many positively impactful organizations like us that are doing the work. We will take part. We will unite alongside others with a greater purpose. A2MIA is here to improve HUMANKIND.

Rear View

The experience was the definition of dedication and accomplishment! A true testimony to putting your mind to something and finishing it.


I’ve always said doing things like this allows me to be free, live free and help the world around me.


Join The Journey